Welcome to Shudhbodh The way of Awareness
Regular practice of “Shudh Bodh” raises our levels of awareness. This awareness pertains to the awareness of your body, your thoughts and the universe that surrounds you. This objective awareness brings divine peace that works as an antidote to stress, anxiety, and depression.

Meditation Teacher
Ravi Shankar
“Shudhbodh” is the brain-child of Ravi Shankar who identifies himself as a seeker. His journey has been an exemplary one; from a fitness enthusiast to a combat sports trainer and from combat sports trainer to a meditator and yoga practioner
What is Shudhbodh
“Shudh Bodh” implies the direct
experience of the truth. In other
words, seeing the reality as it
is in its pure form. It means lift..

Benifits of Shudhbodh

Increases Concentration

Promotes a sense of ease with onself

Effective tool to deal with fear, anxiety, stress, etc.

Enhances overall well-being

Helps in understanding and controlling the monkey mind

Increases awareness levels

Increases self-confidence

Promotes a sense of ease with onself
Take your first step for your self Awareness